Thursday, December 23, 2010

About me and the blog. Because you care.

Here's that introductory post that I know you're just DYING to read.

I'm a librarian (duh).  I've been working in a public library for a couple of years and love my job.  Really.  I'm an artist; in the past I've been a gallery owner, barista, web designer, office manager, administrative assistant, ticket taker at a zoo, fast food lackey, jewelry designer, community volunteer, board member, teacher and more things than I care to admit.  I'm also a single mom to a pretty friggin awesome kid.

That's all the background you're getting.

I've been thinking about doing this blog for a while, but hadn't because the world really needing another blog.  Another person so absorbed in themselves that they think the world wants to read their thoughts.  But dammit, I love blogs.  And this maybe isn't so much about my thoughts, but rather, shit that happens while I'm at work.

This is what pushed me over the edge and made me do this:

Last week, I was working the circulation desk, checking in books, assisting patrons, etc., etc.   A lady walks up and plops three books on the desk in front of me.

Me: Checking these in?
Patron: Yes, I'm bringing them back.  This one (points to book with dude half-naked on cover)... this one... I started to read it, but it's just nasty.  It's not fit to be on the shelf.
Me: (Oh great! My first complaint about a book!)  Ok...
Patron:  Heaven forbid if a young person gets hold of that book!  Just filthy!  (Starts to walk off.)  I'll be back, I'm getting some more books.
Me:  ??

The patron then proceeded to walk straight to the romance section and return with three more bodice-ripping craptacular romance novels.

And that's why I finally started this blog.

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