Today, I got to work early to install additional memory in all of the patron PCs. No big deal. Open the cases, blow them out with canned air, pop in the memory, and boot up the PCs to make sure everything's kosher.
Everything was going swimmingly until I got to one of the PCs in the children's area. "CPU fan error." Lovely. Shut down. Blow out PC again. Boot up. Same thing. I text our tech contact to see if he's got any spare fans, just in case. He does, but he needs a pic of ours so he can double check the connectors. I open the case over the fan and...
This is stuck in the fan. What is this? Despite the fact that it looks like a joint, it's the stick from a lollipop. Some kid took the time to work this thing in through a small hole in the front of the PC. Thanks. Thanks for that, you snot nose little brat.
Just another reason in a long list that we can't have nice things.
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