We all have them. The Mormon missionaries who are in town for 3-6 months. 99% of the time, there aren't any problems with them. We may have to remind the new black ties that they can't leave their literature around the library, but that's usually it. (Except for the last guy who left the Book of Mormon in the bathroom stall. That's ingenuity there, folks.)
No, the last guy who was here was dubbed The Grumpy Mormon. Think Grumpy Cat wearing a short sleeved white shirt & black tie.
Done laughing? Let's continue.
Grumpy Mormon was a tall fellow, who insisted that he and his fellow missionary be seated at adjacent PCs. If two computers weren't available in the adult section, he would come back to the desk and request computers in the kids area. If the kids were out of school, then he would ask to go into the genealogy room. Picky, picky, picky.
Then, I noticed that there were new shortcuts on the genealogy PC desktops. The first couple of times, they were just links to Family Search, the genealogy website run by the Mormons out of Utah. It's a fantastic site, but YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH MY COMPUTERS, ASSHAT. Ahem. So, I deleted the shortcuts and went on.
The last time I went in and found a shortcut, I went to delete and 'lo and behold, IT WAS A PROGRAM. WHAT? You seriously installed a program on my computer? I've never had to lock those PCs down like the public computers because, seriously, genealogists usually only use the PCs for research. I was irate. I think I may have turned some shade of crimson. I uninstalled the program (from both PCs, mind you), and had to put parental controls on the computers. I informed the staff that if Grumpy came in to come and get me. That was fun.
Me: Excuse me? You installed a program on the genealogy computer.
Grumpy: Yes.
Me: You can't do that.
Grumpy: Oh?
Me: No, no you can't.
Grumpy: Even if it's a genealogy program?
Me: No, not even then. These are not your computers.
Grumpy: Oh, I just assumed it wouldn't be an issue.
Me: Really? Try it again and you'll lose your computer privileges.
Grumpy: ...
Grumpy's cohort: <looks ashamed and embarrassed>
Needless to say, when Grumpy was replaced by the new missionary, we did a dance of joy.